What is composing?
Composing is when two or more images are placed together to create a single image. It is most frequently used when one wants an object in a different environment rather than the original environment.
Composing has many different uses. One of these is to demonstrate the versatility of the object presented to the viewer. This is very beneficial to companies who do not have the ability or desire to recreate a completely new scene for a reoccurring object.
The images are placed into an editing program and the selected image is then clipped and placed into the new background. This sounds simple, but in order to create a successful cohesive image, many editing tools are used. A few of these tools used to combine the images seamlessly together are color grading, lighting, blending and masking.
Example: Digital compositions are generally used in on- and off-line advertisements to create a fresh and new perspective of an object.
Alternative spellings: image-combining, digital composition